Flick D’ter
This is a blend of herbal extracts that can assist with head flicking or shaking and to help assist horses/ponies to decrease any urges to throw their heads around during training or competition. The herbs used help to support the respiratory system and prevent the build up of mucous.
Herbal Content:
This formula contains extracts of the following herbs:
Hypericum - can assist as a mood enhancer and calmer for horses.
Nettle - can support flushing out the system.
Plantain - can provide support as an expectorant aid and support of natural healing
Calendula - can assist with toxins in the system and support digestion.
Thyme - can support the respiratory and digestive system.
Suggested Dosage: If this formula does not have the desired affect during its first week, then its use should be stopped.
Horse & symptoms: All horses
Dosage: 10-20ml*
Frequency: Twice daily, for the 1st week. If there is no improvement, stop using.
Horse & symptoms: All horses
Dosage: 5-10ml*
Frequency: Twice daily, if there is slight improvement noticed after the 1st week. Until the symptoms have stopped, which could take 2-3 months.
Horse & symptoms: All horses
Dosage: 2.5-5ml*
Frequency: Twice daily, for a further month after all symptoms have ceased.
*dependant on the size of the horse