Mud Cream
The purpose of this cream is to use the carefully blended herbs and oil extracts to aid the normal function of the skin.
Herbal Content:
This formula contains extracts of the following herbs:
Sweet Annie - a natural alternative to assist with bacteria.
Picrorrhiza - provides support to assist as a natural alternative to anti-inflammatory agents.
Poke - provides support to assist as a natural alternative to antibiotics.
Devils Claw - included for its support of the musculoskeletal system.
Barberry - a natural alternative to provide support and assist with bacteria and assists the Devils Claw.
Jamaican Dogwood- a natural alternative to an analgesic.
Clove oil - a natural alternative to an antiseptic
Neem - is used as a carrier for the herbs in the cream.
NB The FEI have advised from 1st January 2016 Devils claw is a controlled substance. It should not be used at least 24 hours prior to a competitive event.
Suggested dosage:
Horse & symptoms: All horses
Dosage: Apply to effected area
Frequency: As required