Old Friend

Can assist as a useful all round tonic which is designed to help horses who are getting older. It acts as a support to the body’s main functions and seeks to provide a boost for the horse.

Herbal Content:
This formula contains extracts of the following herbs:
Angelica - a natural alternative to an expectorant which can support the respiratory system.
Ginger - can provide digestive support and support with promoting circulation.
Calendula - can support digestive properties especially when blended with Ginger.
Devils Claw - helps to support the musculo-skeletal system.
Globe Artichoke - again another herb that can blend well to support the digestive system.
Siberian Ginseng - can help assist with general feelings of old age and may provide a boost to the horse.
Hypericum - can provide support as a natural alternative as a mood enhancer. 

NB The FEI have advised that from 1st Jane 2016 Devils claw is a controlled substance. It should not be used at least 24 hours prior to a competitive event.

Suggested dosage:
Horse & symptoms: All horses
Dosage: 10-20ml depending on size.
Frequency: Twice daily, can be used long term.